Tuesday, July 25, 2017


I'm still at least a month away from being back in my studio and workshop. Honestly, just getting started today on the task path that will lead to my new studio space and since I tend to over estimate what I can do time-wise, it might be a wee bit longer. I'm hoping not too long though since I would love to be back in the workshop by the first of September so I can get out some of these beauties in time for Halloween decorating.
#witches, #Halloween, #WickedLadies, #SandeElkins

Since many of my Halloween fans are like my Christmas fans and leave their decorations and art work out year round, it might not really matter that much that I meet that deadline for them but for me and my mental health, I think it is essential. I've got to get back on track and have my physical activity catch up with my brain activity, lol....you all know that I already have not only the studio space and workshop designed in full in my head but many of the sculptures and other art work I want to do as well. But, as THEY often say, time will tell. Let's just hope time tells its tale quickly!

In the mean time, I came across a neat idea on another blog/website, momspark.net, that I want to try. I thought these Mason jar luminaries were different from most and the fact that she adds the solar lights option makes it even better! Here is the LINK to how to make the solar light lids from another great site/blog, Garden Therapy. It is very easy and economical and the end results, well, judge for yourself!

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