Saturday, July 22, 2017

This is how it always starts....

I hope I don't get in trouble for posting this image. If you are interested in this sign, it is available (on sale now!) at Nordstroms. I love it but it wasn't quite right for where I want to place it which is over my drawing table in my studio. It's 19" tall and I really wanted something larger.

As many of you probably already know, I accidentally fell into my profession of the next 30 years right before my 30th birthday. I was at very loose ends since I was laid off from my job, had just lost a pregnancy and I had decided to quit my wandering college career...I never could decide what I wanted to be when I grew up. I saw a carved horse in a magazine that I really wanted but since I had no source of income at that time, I couldn't afford it. So, I decided to make my own. From the moment I touched the blade to wood, it was like magic. A spark went through me and I felt like, for the first time in my life, I was where I was meant to be and doing what I was suppose to be doing. The rest is history.

So, I see a sign I want and even though it is on sale at a great price, it still is not quite what I wanted. The size isn't right but what I like about it is the metal background and the color which would go perfectly against the pale yellow walls of my studio. I even like the lyrics from You Are My Sunshine since, when we were first married, I called my husband, Sunshine. As you can see, it was the blonde hair and blue eyes.
So, here is the plan: I'm headed to the scrap yard in the next few weeks and will try to find a piece of metal that is the size I want and not too heavy to hang on the wall. If I can't find anything, I'll just do it on wood. I don't think this is going to lead to another 30+ year career....I'd be over 90 if it did, sooo don't think so. hahaha......but I do think I'm going to end up with the perfect art work for my new studio. It will inspire me every day!

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