Friday, July 21, 2017

Hurry up and Wait

I subscribe to a site that sends out health "challenges" every day via email. This morning's challenge was to park as far away as possible on your next trip somewhere.

Always do this but last Wednesday, it got a bit extreme.

I have an older friend who can't drive and is usually left with only me to depend on. I have to admit, I was frustrated and a bit perturbed when she called me on Monday and asked me to drive her to the doctor on Wed. We live on a farm and grow horse hay (there is an extreme owners are very particular about their hay). The past two weeks, we've been cutting and baling. I not only had to help in the field but I was cooking for the hay crew. That translates to I had absolutely no time but reluctantly, I agreed to take her since she had no one else. Then, my best friend had a stroke on Tuesday. I didn't find out until Wed. morning but I suddenly saw a blessing in disguise with transporting Mary because her doctor's office is a short distance from the hospital my friend is in.
Wednesday morning, I was up before dawn preparing the hay crew's food so I could get ready and pick Mary up at 10:30. I thought I was making great time and pleased with myself when I stepped out of the shower and heard the phone ringing. It was Mary, "Are you still taking me? I was wondering where you are. Are you on your way?" Well, I went into panic mode. I thought, I must have gotten the time wrong and I was too upset to question that it might not be me who was wrong. I rushed out of the house with wet hair....something I never, ever do! I picked Mary up and drove like a maniac to the hospital, cutting an hours drive to forty-five minutes in heavy traffic. I dropped her off outside the door since this was a single story building and the office was right off of the parking lot. I thought, I'd better hurry because I knew I'd be parking in at least the second parking lot at the hospital. When I pulled in, I spotted a space a guy was pulling out of....slowly...but realized that one of the cars was at least a foot over the line and it was too tight a squeeze for me. So, I begin my search and I end up in the far end of the last parking lot. I got my cardio in because it was a trek to the hospital and all uphill in over 90 degree heat! I made it to my friend's room and I was just a little "dewy". My friend looked good and we had a good visit. When her pastor arrived for a visit, I told her I had better run because Mary was probably waiting on me by now. I encounter two people on my way back who looked like they had trekked from Timbuktu also. I was glad that my trip back was all down hill. I made it and decided since I was at the end of the parking lot, I'd pull back out onto the highway from that side. I pull up to the stop sign and I sit there a minute looking at the building across from me. I thought I'd be just below the hospital but instead, I'm looking at my doctor's office on the next highway!! I was in Timbuktu! I make the long loop around and rush into Mary's doctor's office. I see her sitting there looking frustrated and think, I'm late. I asked how long she'd been waiting on me and she said, "I'm not waiting on you. I'm waiting to go back to see the doctor. They said my appointment was at 11:30 not 10:30." Well, good to know I didn't get her there late. lol

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