Thursday, July 27, 2017

Ok, why am I posting this picture again? I know, you're saying, "Wow, she must be really proud of that wreath!" Well, I am but not for the reasons you think. This small act of DYI helped to bolster my entire day yesterday. I know you're scratching your head and saying that doesn't make sense but here's the answer to your pondering.....Thirty-five years ago, I was a juggler. No, not in the traditional sense since I've never possessed the physical coordination to dance (walk with out tripping) much less juggle. I juggled life then and I never dropped a ball. I was going to school full time (with a 4.0 GPA), working full time (at a factory where I had to lift hundreds of thirty pound motors multiple times in a workday), looking in on my aging parents every day (thankfully, I realized their importance and how much I would miss them when they were gone so I grabbed every moment with them that I could) and still finding time to do things like gather weeds and make wreaths. It felt as if I was actually always looking for something more to do! The past few....probably 15 since the downward slide started at 45....years, I have been searching for me and trying to regain a bit of that past energy and glory. The truth is I've been searching for motivation and a lot of other things that have dropped by the wayside during my lengthy ennui. This one small accomplishment yesterday, making this wreath, seemed to brush away a piece of the fog that's enveloped me and helped me to remember what it felt like to be not only productive but to relish life. I feel like I have regained a bit of me. After the wreath, I went on to accomplish much more in my day, quite a few tasks I'd put off because I felt they had become overwhelming. And now, it is the next day and I'm still feeling that surge of joy just to be alive and able to do something that is simple but fulfilling like gathering materials and making a wreath. I wonder what my adventure will be today?

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