Wednesday, August 2, 2017


Clutter is ruling my life....or more accurately, RUINING my life!

It's everywhere I look: my desk, my office in general, my kitchen shelves, my closets, my email inbox and most certainly, my mind. So many thoughts, so many things that need doing, so many worries, so many little, niggling problems, they clutter up my mind until it is difficult to think clearly much less come up with a solution. My life has become filled to the brim with mostly useless clutter and it is overwhelming! There has to be an answer to this mess but worrying about it, just clutters up my brain even more and offers confusion instead of answers.

I read an article on organizing your kitchen. I hadn't realized what a mess mine is until I saw the neat, frugally decorated kitchens pictured in the article. One suggestion that seemed feasible to me was to clean one drawer out a day. Suddenly, what had seemed an impossible task, sorting and organizing an entire room at a time, became doable. I can clean one small drawer, or shelf a day and it won't take that much time and effort. Also, like dollars spent, that one small task a day will add up over time. So, I have a plan.....I will make a list of  things that need doing, clearing and in no particular order, small tasks in each area of our home and I will try for a month's time, thirty days, to click off one each day. I will record this task on my calendar only after it is done. Seeing that list of things "done" every day will boost me up and make me feel lighter as time goes on and it will encourage me more and more each day to tackle another small task the next day. It will also be much easier to let go of things and either donate or throw away what we don't use or need if I do it in small bites.

At first, I thought, it is going to take forever to get everything that needs doing done at this rate but I was wrong, it may be slow moving at first but it is still forward progress which is more than what's happening right now. Now, I simply look at it and then turn away because, as a whole, it is too overwhelming, insurmountable. So, slowly will get me to the finish line much faster than expecting too much of myself and never starting.

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