Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Silver Linings

Not every gray cloud has a silver lining; some only hold rain. No, I'm not being philosophical; this musing is based in reality. I was painting a lamp yesterday outside by the woods. Sure, the forecast that flashed up on my phone called for rain but they are never right....until they are. The paint job looked terrific but it was drying very slowly because of the high humidity. So, I left the lamp sitting outside to dry while I went inside to do other chores. It wasn't until I heard rumblings of thunder that I thought to check on the lamp. Thankfully, it was just sprinkling but the lamp and shade were covered with droplets. I tried wiping....big mistake. The towel took off still wet paint with the water. I got some canned air from the office and blew off the remaining beads of water and touched up the paint as much as possible. It's no longer perfect but I'm still liking the new color and it's  the perfect little lamp for the bedside table. Excuse the spots on the wall. My husband did that but the walls will have a new coat of paint this weekend. 

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