Tuesday, July 25, 2017


I saw one of those cute little memes on FaceBook that say something inspirational. Usually, I just brush by those things but this one really hit home with me. It was talking about change which I'm all about these days. It said basically, if you want to change, you have to change. Sounds simplistic but how true. If you (I) want to get something done, we (I) have to get off Our (my) duffus and away from the TV (and this computer for non-work time) and DO SOMETHING! Change and habits go hand in hand. I made a few challenges for myself at the first of this month and they have gone to the wayside. Why was that? Well, basically because it became too easy to say, "Later." The thing about LATER, it never comes. There is always some reason to put it off: you're too tired (because you're just staying prone in front of the TV), you didn't get any sleep last night (If the thing you're putting off is exercise, well...it actually helps you to sleep...proven fact, a 30 minute walk in the morning and you will sleep better at night.), those few extra minutes...hours...in bed and it's gotten too hot outside for any activity, you just want to see what happens on the next episode of that TV show you are binging or you want to see how this book ends or you have to beat this darn game on the computer, just one more cookie or other sweet won't hurt...you'll eat healthier tomorrow, the exercise, better eating, etc. habit is already blown for today so why bother? I could go on...and on and on...but you get the point. Wasn't it Nike that had the ad, Just Do It? Well, that needs to be our (my) new motto because frankly, I'm getting a bit fed up with me....no collective pronoun here because it's up to you to make this decision for you. Personally, I'm tired of my excuses, I'm tired of my never accomplishing my goals or even starting an effort to accomplish them, I'm tired of being TIRED all of the time. It is time for a change and my life is not going to change until I do!

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Window Shopping

I'll admit it, I never have been a shopaholic. At least not until the internet made it possible to shop in your pajamas from the comfor...