Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Mother Nature, Please

What are you looking at, you ask? Well, the makeshift greenhouse (vase of water covered with a plastic bag) is holding what is left of my basil. I'm trying to revive it so I can cook with it. Just last week, I had three healthy basil plants but the lack of rain and the unrelenting heat have taken their toll on our entire garden. The only thing still producing are the Sun Sweet tomatoes but the vines are dying. There is also the mystery of how the yellow Sun Sweets (a heirloom tomatoes) are turning red. There is both red and yellow fruit on the same plant.
Despite the heat, we had a great dinner tonight. I split the Sun Sweets and cooked them with garlic in olive oil. I then poured that over a pan of chicken I'd already cooked seasoned with Italian seasoning and then sliced. On top of that, I put a half cup of seasoned olive oil, an Italian mix of cheese, shredded parmesan and sliced mozzarella. Put that under the broiler until the cheese melted while I toasted some pinenuts which I mixed in with a bit of that basil above and a big bowl of pasta. It was delicious even if I do say so myself. lol

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