Monday, July 17, 2017


Right now, I'm all about establishing habits. I have to be honest, I'm not doing a great job of it. My goal for the month of July was to get a walk, even a short one, in every day for 21 days or until it became a habit. Then, I planned to start another habit forming for 21 days. I ordered a new fitness tracker and I wrote down a daily schedule (another habit I'd like to start) and then.... Well, for about a week, I did a really good job and know what's coming because I've said it before, life interfered with living. We live on a farm and produce hay for horse owners. For the last two weeks and counting, we've been in the hay field. I did manage to get my new website built..yay, me for accomplishing something but driving the tractor and baling hay weren't the only interruptions. I was also stung by a wasp which caused my hand and part of my arm to swell. That made it really difficult to finish that webpage but I did do that (I'm going to keep harping on my ONE accomplishment so expect it. :) ) and I helped with the hay crop even though I was driving with one hand (made it very difficult to answer the phone when my husband called to tell me I was doing something wrong). Now, I've broken out in a rash all over my body. Is it poison ivy? Is it an allergic reaction? I have no idea; I just know it itches, it's making me miserable and it's causing me to lose sleep. Then there is a friend I help out occasionally. Bless, her; I really don't mind helping her but this week was the wrong time to call especially today. So, Wednesday morning, when I should be cooking for the hay crew and getting ready to get in the cab of that tractor in the afternoon, I instead will be rushing her to the doctor...not an emergency but rush I must since the appointment is 11:30 in Knoxville and I have to be back here by 1PM to start in the hay. So, that basically threw off my entire week of plans. It's not her fault. If she hadn't thrown the wrench in the works, something else would have. It's just that I'm doing well to do what has to be, should be done every day and that habit I was starting, long forgotten. Will life get easier?It probably won't. Will I learn from all of these minor bugs that are fouling up the system and become more resilient if not more organized? I can only hope so. We're over halfway through this year and although, I will admit and say my gratitudes for being healthier than I was last year at this time, I still am impatient with myself and my aging body that won't do what I want it to. Time and patience...they say it heals all. I am feeling better every day but I need to work on the patience thing. 

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