Wednesday, September 13, 2017

A Change is on the Way!

I truly want to reclaim my life.

What do I want in my life?....balance.

Where am I right now?.....overwhelmed, out of shape, over weight and stressed.

Am I enjoying my life and living it to the fullest?

Why is that?.....because I spend all of my time hiding from the problems and things that are overwhelming me and dreaming constantly of how I know my life can be....but I can't live in a dream.

It's getting to the point that I'm afraid I won't wake up. It's like I'm in a walking coma. I have to make changes in my life and I have to start now. It is time to rise and shine and get on with my life. Life is not over just because I'm over sixty or because I'm constantly reminded that there are far more years behind me than there will be in front of me. But I also can't give into the myths, both good and bad. The "good" one is that life is suppose to be easy now. We are suppose to have set ourselves up on easy street at this point and just be cruising. That is really bad because it makes you feel like a failure if you're not at that place in your life. The "bad" myth is that our lives are basically over, we are going to keep declining until we land in our graves and there is nothing we can do about it. I've let myself get in a bad place. I've become more sedentary, I have the worst diet of my life and rely on take out way more than I should and I'm stressed beyond reason and feeling like a royal failure at life and overwhelmed by my problems. But, I'm lucky that I've remained reasonably healthy even though I'm fat, sedentary and out of shape (lazy.) So, as I said in previous posts, I'm ready to go to battle. This old girl still has a lot of fight left in her!

Here are a couple of articles you might find interesting. This article is about getting fit after 60 and it has a fitness evaluation test...which surprisingly, I did pass even though it wasn't with flying colors. The next article says that there is no better time than now to get fit and that applies double if you are over sixty and the benefits are almost miraculous! It offers tips for getting in your best shape.

Of course, it isn't just about fitness. I do have great plans. I have plans to redo this entire house and that isn't just the elbow grease that needs to be applied to clean and repair...some major repairs...but also, all the little details that will turn this tumbling down wreck back into a home. I have plans to get back to work after a very extensive hiatus. I'm an artist so my work is portable for the most part but, in order to get back to the wood sculpture and fulfill the orders I have waiting, I have to get my dust and spiderweb covered workshop back in order, too. My horses have been neglected far too long but getting back in the saddle will require jumping both emotional (fear) and physical barriers. I could go into the other parts of my life that I want to bring back into balance but working on those three things will help to bring everything back to where I'm functioning again....and hopefully thriving in all aspects of my life.

I promised that I would keep you posted on my progress, especially progress on the house and my work but there has been little progress so far. But, like I said before, the only time to start is NOW.

Those beautiful horses I was talking about:

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