Thursday, July 27, 2017

Ok, why am I posting this picture again? I know, you're saying, "Wow, she must be really proud of that wreath!" Well, I am but not for the reasons you think. This small act of DYI helped to bolster my entire day yesterday. I know you're scratching your head and saying that doesn't make sense but here's the answer to your pondering.....Thirty-five years ago, I was a juggler. No, not in the traditional sense since I've never possessed the physical coordination to dance (walk with out tripping) much less juggle. I juggled life then and I never dropped a ball. I was going to school full time (with a 4.0 GPA), working full time (at a factory where I had to lift hundreds of thirty pound motors multiple times in a workday), looking in on my aging parents every day (thankfully, I realized their importance and how much I would miss them when they were gone so I grabbed every moment with them that I could) and still finding time to do things like gather weeds and make wreaths. It felt as if I was actually always looking for something more to do! The past few....probably 15 since the downward slide started at 45....years, I have been searching for me and trying to regain a bit of that past energy and glory. The truth is I've been searching for motivation and a lot of other things that have dropped by the wayside during my lengthy ennui. This one small accomplishment yesterday, making this wreath, seemed to brush away a piece of the fog that's enveloped me and helped me to remember what it felt like to be not only productive but to relish life. I feel like I have regained a bit of me. After the wreath, I went on to accomplish much more in my day, quite a few tasks I'd put off because I felt they had become overwhelming. And now, it is the next day and I'm still feeling that surge of joy just to be alive and able to do something that is simple but fulfilling like gathering materials and making a wreath. I wonder what my adventure will be today?

I forgot to add the... -Mark the quote above. I've always been a fan since Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn captivated me as a child. Google quotes by Mr. Twain. The man had some seriously wise and thought provoking words.
Where I'm at now..... even though I failed at establishing that exercise habit (not really failed since I'm still trying) because of the interruptions of life...namely, a hay crop coming in and prep for a soon to be published coloring book......, I feel like I am beginning to "get my life back." Honestly, the last few years have been rough on me both emotionally and physically...and we know that both go hand in hand. I've had a lot of loss, I've had a lot of emotional turmoil and I've had some illness. I really feel like I lost me along the way. Another bite off the honesty apple, I've been losing me over the last ten years of so. I saw a TV program once where they were interviewing a diverse group of women who were all 75+ years old. They were all asked, "What has been the most difficult and painful time in your life." They all agreed on the answer, the time from mid-forties to sixty. Why? Because, "change is always hard and painful." So, I guess I haven't really been losing me, I've been finding me. I think of this age, the menopausal stages, as being like a caterpillar's transformation to a butterfly. I've often wondered, do caterpillars feel? Do they think about the sacrifices of going into that cocoon? Is the transformation painful? The butterfly should be the symbol of this new age of ours because we've gone through that painful process of transformation and we've emerged, more beautiful and with wings that let us escape the earth and soar. All we have to do is let go and fly.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

What I made today from all those weeds I gathered...and a few dried roses I've had for years. 

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Mother Nature, Please

What are you looking at, you ask? Well, the makeshift greenhouse (vase of water covered with a plastic bag) is holding what is left of my basil. I'm trying to revive it so I can cook with it. Just last week, I had three healthy basil plants but the lack of rain and the unrelenting heat have taken their toll on our entire garden. The only thing still producing are the Sun Sweet tomatoes but the vines are dying. There is also the mystery of how the yellow Sun Sweets (a heirloom tomatoes) are turning red. There is both red and yellow fruit on the same plant.
Despite the heat, we had a great dinner tonight. I split the Sun Sweets and cooked them with garlic in olive oil. I then poured that over a pan of chicken I'd already cooked seasoned with Italian seasoning and then sliced. On top of that, I put a half cup of seasoned olive oil, an Italian mix of cheese, shredded parmesan and sliced mozzarella. Put that under the broiler until the cheese melted while I toasted some pinenuts which I mixed in with a bit of that basil above and a big bowl of pasta. It was delicious even if I do say so myself. lol


I saw one of those cute little memes on FaceBook that say something inspirational. Usually, I just brush by those things but this one really hit home with me. It was talking about change which I'm all about these days. It said basically, if you want to change, you have to change. Sounds simplistic but how true. If you (I) want to get something done, we (I) have to get off Our (my) duffus and away from the TV (and this computer for non-work time) and DO SOMETHING! Change and habits go hand in hand. I made a few challenges for myself at the first of this month and they have gone to the wayside. Why was that? Well, basically because it became too easy to say, "Later." The thing about LATER, it never comes. There is always some reason to put it off: you're too tired (because you're just staying prone in front of the TV), you didn't get any sleep last night (If the thing you're putting off is exercise, actually helps you to sleep...proven fact, a 30 minute walk in the morning and you will sleep better at night.), those few extra bed and it's gotten too hot outside for any activity, you just want to see what happens on the next episode of that TV show you are binging or you want to see how this book ends or you have to beat this darn game on the computer, just one more cookie or other sweet won't'll eat healthier tomorrow, the exercise, better eating, etc. habit is already blown for today so why bother? I could go on...and on and on...but you get the point. Wasn't it Nike that had the ad, Just Do It? Well, that needs to be our (my) new motto because frankly, I'm getting a bit fed up with collective pronoun here because it's up to you to make this decision for you. Personally, I'm tired of my excuses, I'm tired of my never accomplishing my goals or even starting an effort to accomplish them, I'm tired of being TIRED all of the time. It is time for a change and my life is not going to change until I do!

New Name

So, you've noticed that the name of this blog yesterday is not the same one it has today. It's just a slight modification. It's gone from Dream Hanger to Moon Hanger. I titled the last post Moon Glow and well, there was that spark of magic again when I saw it on the page. So, today, this site is officially titled, Moon Hanger.....and I think there will probably be some future art work to go along with that. :)


I'm still at least a month away from being back in my studio and workshop. Honestly, just getting started today on the task path that will lead to my new studio space and since I tend to over estimate what I can do time-wise, it might be a wee bit longer. I'm hoping not too long though since I would love to be back in the workshop by the first of September so I can get out some of these beauties in time for Halloween decorating.
#witches, #Halloween, #WickedLadies, #SandeElkins

Since many of my Halloween fans are like my Christmas fans and leave their decorations and art work out year round, it might not really matter that much that I meet that deadline for them but for me and my mental health, I think it is essential. I've got to get back on track and have my physical activity catch up with my brain activity, all know that I already have not only the studio space and workshop designed in full in my head but many of the sculptures and other art work I want to do as well. But, as THEY often say, time will tell. Let's just hope time tells its tale quickly!

In the mean time, I came across a neat idea on another blog/website,, that I want to try. I thought these Mason jar luminaries were different from most and the fact that she adds the solar lights option makes it even better! Here is the LINK to how to make the solar light lids from another great site/blog, Garden Therapy. It is very easy and economical and the end results, well, judge for yourself!

Saturday, July 22, 2017

This is how it always starts....

I hope I don't get in trouble for posting this image. If you are interested in this sign, it is available (on sale now!) at Nordstroms. I love it but it wasn't quite right for where I want to place it which is over my drawing table in my studio. It's 19" tall and I really wanted something larger.

As many of you probably already know, I accidentally fell into my profession of the next 30 years right before my 30th birthday. I was at very loose ends since I was laid off from my job, had just lost a pregnancy and I had decided to quit my wandering college career...I never could decide what I wanted to be when I grew up. I saw a carved horse in a magazine that I really wanted but since I had no source of income at that time, I couldn't afford it. So, I decided to make my own. From the moment I touched the blade to wood, it was like magic. A spark went through me and I felt like, for the first time in my life, I was where I was meant to be and doing what I was suppose to be doing. The rest is history.

So, I see a sign I want and even though it is on sale at a great price, it still is not quite what I wanted. The size isn't right but what I like about it is the metal background and the color which would go perfectly against the pale yellow walls of my studio. I even like the lyrics from You Are My Sunshine since, when we were first married, I called my husband, Sunshine. As you can see, it was the blonde hair and blue eyes.
So, here is the plan: I'm headed to the scrap yard in the next few weeks and will try to find a piece of metal that is the size I want and not too heavy to hang on the wall. If I can't find anything, I'll just do it on wood. I don't think this is going to lead to another 30+ year career....I'd be over 90 if it did, sooo don't think so. hahaha......but I do think I'm going to end up with the perfect art work for my new studio. It will inspire me every day!

Friday, July 21, 2017

Hurry up and Wait

I subscribe to a site that sends out health "challenges" every day via email. This morning's challenge was to park as far away as possible on your next trip somewhere.

Always do this but last Wednesday, it got a bit extreme.

I have an older friend who can't drive and is usually left with only me to depend on. I have to admit, I was frustrated and a bit perturbed when she called me on Monday and asked me to drive her to the doctor on Wed. We live on a farm and grow horse hay (there is an extreme owners are very particular about their hay). The past two weeks, we've been cutting and baling. I not only had to help in the field but I was cooking for the hay crew. That translates to I had absolutely no time but reluctantly, I agreed to take her since she had no one else. Then, my best friend had a stroke on Tuesday. I didn't find out until Wed. morning but I suddenly saw a blessing in disguise with transporting Mary because her doctor's office is a short distance from the hospital my friend is in.
Wednesday morning, I was up before dawn preparing the hay crew's food so I could get ready and pick Mary up at 10:30. I thought I was making great time and pleased with myself when I stepped out of the shower and heard the phone ringing. It was Mary, "Are you still taking me? I was wondering where you are. Are you on your way?" Well, I went into panic mode. I thought, I must have gotten the time wrong and I was too upset to question that it might not be me who was wrong. I rushed out of the house with wet hair....something I never, ever do! I picked Mary up and drove like a maniac to the hospital, cutting an hours drive to forty-five minutes in heavy traffic. I dropped her off outside the door since this was a single story building and the office was right off of the parking lot. I thought, I'd better hurry because I knew I'd be parking in at least the second parking lot at the hospital. When I pulled in, I spotted a space a guy was pulling out of....slowly...but realized that one of the cars was at least a foot over the line and it was too tight a squeeze for me. So, I begin my search and I end up in the far end of the last parking lot. I got my cardio in because it was a trek to the hospital and all uphill in over 90 degree heat! I made it to my friend's room and I was just a little "dewy". My friend looked good and we had a good visit. When her pastor arrived for a visit, I told her I had better run because Mary was probably waiting on me by now. I encounter two people on my way back who looked like they had trekked from Timbuktu also. I was glad that my trip back was all down hill. I made it and decided since I was at the end of the parking lot, I'd pull back out onto the highway from that side. I pull up to the stop sign and I sit there a minute looking at the building across from me. I thought I'd be just below the hospital but instead, I'm looking at my doctor's office on the next highway!! I was in Timbuktu! I make the long loop around and rush into Mary's doctor's office. I see her sitting there looking frustrated and think, I'm late. I asked how long she'd been waiting on me and she said, "I'm not waiting on you. I'm waiting to go back to see the doctor. They said my appointment was at 11:30 not 10:30." Well, good to know I didn't get her there late. lol

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

An Intersting Find

A friend recommended to me this morning. I was searching for a site, besides cafepress or zazzle, that would print my designs on pillows and clothing and maybe a phone cover or two. The site looks promising but I discovered that it doesn't support or integrate with Etsy. It would integrate with Amazon, where I'd considered opening a shop, but it said it was VERY difficult to do and that either they or Amazon (didn't quite understand which) charge extremely high fees. Then I saw a store front that sounded in, free shop and no fees on third party merchandise. It's called I think I may check it out. If not for my original work, it would be great for prints and those third party T-shirts.

The Way To Get Something Done Is To Begin!

I think this should be my motto. There are days when I need that extra push and today is one of those. It's starting off to be one of those days when one thing goes right and then, just to balance things out I guess, another goes wrong.

I did get out early to feed the horses but then Danny was out...again. Danny is my wayward horse. He was born on the farm, our first and only foal....and most likely our last. He's been pampered, spoiled and allowed to think he is king. He's a sweet boy but impossible to control or to contain obviously. He did come in with no urging. In fact, he asked me to let him in while I piddled with other tasks just to annoy him.

So, that turned out well but now, I need to be moving because I'm suppose to be to the grocery store and back before Steve gets home at noon. I'm moving at a snail's pace. I got little sleep again last night, mostly in thanks to this itchy rash. So, I've yet to hit the shower. I came into the office just to check the balance on my "use on the internet and out in public" credit card. It's the one with a small limit so that, if it is stolen, the crooks can't get away with much. I just forget to check it and then I'm out of luck when I need to use it. I came in here an hour ago with good intentions but I've yet to check that balance. Instead, I've been chatting with a friend, checking out new Pinterest listings and browsing on Amazon. So, I'd better follow that new motto of mine (see post title) and begin.
This is the wayward child when he was almost exactly one day, 24 hours, old.
He doesn't look like this now. Obviously, he's much larger seven years later
but his color has changed dramatically. Now, he is a gray like his mom.
I've often called him my Colt of Many Colors.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Progress Made, Art

If you read, "Who Am I?" over to the side there, you know that I'm an artist. I'm multi-discipline which just means I use many varied mediums to achieve my artistic goals. Recently, during recovery from surgery, I started working again after a long hiatus by illustrating a coloring book for adults which will be the first in a four book series based on Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carol. The process has been therapeutic for me and the medium of pen and ink is so portable. I could work anywhere and I did, from my bed to the doctor's waiting room. I'm hoping to publish the first book within the next two weeks. I've already created a new website, I know, the name is long and complicated but the Ginny Pearl part is in honor of my late mother and the Sande Elkins, art part is so long time patrons will not be confused by the new name. So, I'll post a few examples of the art in the book as well as a capture of the new web page. I have to admit, I'm like a new mom, I'm very fond and proud of both.


Right now, I'm all about establishing habits. I have to be honest, I'm not doing a great job of it. My goal for the month of July was to get a walk, even a short one, in every day for 21 days or until it became a habit. Then, I planned to start another habit forming for 21 days. I ordered a new fitness tracker and I wrote down a daily schedule (another habit I'd like to start) and then.... Well, for about a week, I did a really good job and know what's coming because I've said it before, life interfered with living. We live on a farm and produce hay for horse owners. For the last two weeks and counting, we've been in the hay field. I did manage to get my new website built..yay, me for accomplishing something but driving the tractor and baling hay weren't the only interruptions. I was also stung by a wasp which caused my hand and part of my arm to swell. That made it really difficult to finish that webpage but I did do that (I'm going to keep harping on my ONE accomplishment so expect it. :) ) and I helped with the hay crop even though I was driving with one hand (made it very difficult to answer the phone when my husband called to tell me I was doing something wrong). Now, I've broken out in a rash all over my body. Is it poison ivy? Is it an allergic reaction? I have no idea; I just know it itches, it's making me miserable and it's causing me to lose sleep. Then there is a friend I help out occasionally. Bless, her; I really don't mind helping her but this week was the wrong time to call especially today. So, Wednesday morning, when I should be cooking for the hay crew and getting ready to get in the cab of that tractor in the afternoon, I instead will be rushing her to the doctor...not an emergency but rush I must since the appointment is 11:30 in Knoxville and I have to be back here by 1PM to start in the hay. So, that basically threw off my entire week of plans. It's not her fault. If she hadn't thrown the wrench in the works, something else would have. It's just that I'm doing well to do what has to be, should be done every day and that habit I was starting, long forgotten. Will life get easier?It probably won't. Will I learn from all of these minor bugs that are fouling up the system and become more resilient if not more organized? I can only hope so. We're over halfway through this year and although, I will admit and say my gratitudes for being healthier than I was last year at this time, I still am impatient with myself and my aging body that won't do what I want it to. Time and patience...they say it heals all. I am feeling better every day but I need to work on the patience thing. 

Window Shopping

I'll admit it, I never have been a shopaholic. At least not until the internet made it possible to shop in your pajamas from the comfor...